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Creating commands

Kordify provides a very simple API to create slash commands.

Command class

You can create command by creating a new object inheriting world.anhgelus.kordify.api.commands.Command.

package my.package import world.anhgelus.kordify.api.commands.Command import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.interaction.command.SlashCommandInteractionEvent object MyCommand : Command() { override val name = "my-command" override val description = "My own command" override fun handle(event: SlashCommandInteractionEvent) { // } }

There are 3 overrides in this object.

name variable is the name of the command. (Here we will be able to call this command with /my-name.)

description variable is the description of the command.

handle is the method called when the command is used by a user. You can get every important information in event.

Adding options

You can add options to your command using the method addOption(OptionData) from world.anhgelus.kordify.api.commands.Command. net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.build.OptionData represents an option for slash commands. It comes from JDA and you can check the documentation about OptionData here.

fun start() { MyCommand.addOption( OptionData(OptionType.STRING, "say", "What to say") ) }

Registering the command

Now we can register the command. We just have to call register() from somewhere, so let's do this from our method start()!

fun start() { MyCommand.register() }
Last modified: 21 February 2024