Kordify Wiki Help


Currently, we do not provide an official maven repository. To add Kordify to your dependencies, you can

  1. Get the official sources, compile them and publish the jar to your local maven repository ;

  2. Download the official jar and it to your dependency like this:

dependencies { implementation(files("path/to/the/file.jar")) }


Next you have to create a new resource called plugin.yml. In this file, you will add every important information about your plugin.

A complete plugin.yml should look like this:

main: world.anhgelus.kordify.Main author: Anhgelus Morhtuuzh version: 1.0 description: Plugin for Kordify intents: - GUILD_MEMBERS

The main field is the path to your main file (we will speak about it later).

The author field tells us who is the author.

The version field tells us what is the version of this plugin.

The description field is a basic description of your plugin.

The intents list is a list of intents required by your plugin. This list is not required.

Main class

The main class is the class called by Kordify when it starts your plugin. It has to be at the position indicated by the main field in your plugin.yml.

Your main class must inherit from world.anhgelus.kordify.api.Plugin.

It should look like this:

package my.package import world.anhgelus.kordify.api.Plugin import world.anhgelus.kordify.common.utils.Logger class MyPlugin : Plugin() { override val logger = object : Logger() { override val name = pluginName } override fun start() { // } override fun stop() { // } }

So, in this class you have 3 overrides.

logger is a... logger. It's an object which inherit from world.anhgelus.kordify.common.utils.Logger. The override variable is the name used by the logger. Usually it's the plugin name (the plugin name is stored in pluginName).

The method start() is called when your plugin starts. Your plugin starts when the event ReadyEvent is emitted by the websocket.

The method stop() is called when your plugin stops. Your plugin stops after the shutdown of the bot.

We will look more deeply in method provided by Plugin later.

Last modified: 21 February 2024